Roulette Double Dozen Strategy
This is a variation of the Martingale System that is played with Dozens Bets (or Columns) instead of the even money bets. The idea is to cover 2/3 of the table (or just under if we count the zero) instead of just under half the table. The advantage of this negative progression system over the standard Martingale, is that the probability of you winning each bet is higher (as you are covering more of the table). But, the progression is more aggressive, as you need to cover your losses on 2 dozens on a winning bet and on 1 dozen on a winning bet (since only one of your bets will ever win- the other is a hedge)
If you bet TWO dozen after two different DZ hit in 1st and 2nd spin, there will be 2/3 chance of hit, but of course it will sometime meet horrible losses up to 50%, and sometime wonderful win up to 80% of u wait the horrible losses to show up, and only then u bet, HOPING the winning chance will tilt toward u. Why Most Roulette Strategies Lose. Most don’t even consider where the ball will land. It may seem absurd, considering that roulette is all about a wheel and ball. Example of typical losing system: Consider betting on RED. If you lose, double your bet on RED for the next spin. World’s best and safest roulette system This is an “original” system – not a “new” version of an old system. It has never been published before. Using $1 chips, you can expect to profit $60 an hour. Losing sessions are very rare. (About two per thousand spins). The system Two bets are made on every spin: Low (1-18) and the 3rd Dozen. This is the same strategy that my associates and I use to make huge amounts of money with almost 100% chance of success and close to zero chance of failure. I am talking about the dynamic new Double Cross Roulette Strategy. This is a time-tested strategy that my friends and I use to. Win $1479 an hour making minimum bets in land-based. Here on this roulette game, I will bet on two dozens, with the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 betting sequence. This is not a very good strategy in case of a serie of loosin.
Increase After a Loss
Just like in the Martingale, you increase your bets after a loss. But you will need to increase them more than by a factor of 2 to claw back your losses.

Let’s take a look at a sequence of bets on 2 dozens (you can also play this on the columns of course). We’ll look at a scenario where you suffer consecutive losses
Bet 1: £1 + £1 = £2 LOSS
At this point you need to clear more than £2 to cover your loss. If you bet £2 + £2, you will be up £4 on your winning dozen, but down £2 on your losing dozen, so a net £2. In order to clear a profit, you need to bet £3.
Bet 2: £3 + £3 = £6 LOSS (running total is now £8 loss)
At this point you need to bet £9 on each dozen to clear £9 (you make £6 on your winning bet and take off the losing dozen).

As you can see, in order to clear at least £1 from a sequence of losses, you need to triple your bet on each column bet (or dozen).
Standard Martingale Progression
Martingale Dozens Progression
Quick Guide to Martingale Dozens
-Repeat your bets after a win, or revert back to your original bet if you win after a sequence of losses.
-Triple your bet on each dozen/column after a loss, (go back to your starting bet once you win.
-You can switch your bets between columns and dozens if you like to mix it up a bit. The odds are the same.
-You can start off small on a low stakes game like 20p roulette, for example. Then you have plenty of room to cover losses (OK, so you are not going to win a fortune playing penny bets, but it’s a good place to start. You can always increase your bets if you feel comfortable.
-Keep it short. You are going to run out of luck at some point. May as well do it while you are ahead.
-Have a clear profit target and stop loss before playing. DON’T go over them.
-Play this on the dozens or columns, or any combination of numbers that covers 24 numbers (4 six line bets for instance)
Pros and Cons
- Large area of the table covered
- Can work in short sessions
- Obviously, the steep progression. Your bets will ramp up fast, and before you know it, you’ll have hit the table maximums (over which you cannot cover your losses)
- Also, like the Martingale, you can end up betting a large amount for a small overall profit.
Be careful with this system! It’s very risky and very aggressive (try the Piquemouche for a lower risk system). Test it out first on a basic roulette demo (it’s fast and you can get a feel for the risk involved).You are effectively hoping to keep any runs of losses down to a minimum by covering just under 2/3 of the table.
The Best Casino and Variant for Martingale Dozens
We’d recommend playing 3D roulette at Betfair casino for this strategy.
Roulette Double Dozen Strategy Template
Before you we get into the Dozens and Columns system, you’ll first need to understand the two main components of the roulette table.
There are three ‘dozens’ on the board, each containing twelve numbers. These are as follows:
- First Dozen: 1-12
- Second Dozen: 13-24
- Third Dozen: 25-36
These go across the board, and are easy to remember. The columns, on the other hand, aren’t as easy to commit to memory. The way to remember columns is that they go down the board. The numbers in each of the columns are as follows:
- First Column: 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34.
- Second Column: 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35.
- Third Column: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36.
The 0 (and 00 slot) isn’t included in any of the dozens or columns, which means that each cover just less than a third of the wheel. You also receive 2 to 1 returns from dozen or column bets, which is much less than most inside bets, but slightly more than most outside bets.
Video Tutorial
View this tutorial video for using the Dozens & Columns system, or read below for an in-depth guide for implementing the strategy. All of our roulette tutorials are available on Youtube, so make sure you subscribe to our channel.
How the Dozens And Columns System Works
Just a quick word of advice. This is a system designed for more experienced roulette players, if you’re a newcomer than you might want to give some other systems a try before moving on to this one.
Unlike most roulette systems, the Dozens and Columns strategy gives you a bit more leg room by allowing you observe the table before playing. This means you’ll have to actively think before you place a bet, obtaining a strategic edge that will help boost your bankroll.
Here’s how the system works:
- Decide what 1 unit will be. This can be any amount you want, but I’d advise you keep it low as you’ll only be betting more.
- Watch the wheel for a while. When you think a particular dozen or column will appear place 1 unit on it.
- If you win, return to just one unit.
- If you lose, double your bet.
This system requires a bit more thought from the player than other strategies; however it also allows a player to triple their wager if they get it right. This is a negative progressive strategy as you’ll be betting more when you’re losing.
Take a look at this example:
- Place 1 unit and lose (-1).
- Place 2 units and lose (-3).
- Place 4 units and lose (-7).
- Place 8 units and win (+9)
Roulette Strategy Systems
Regardless of how much you lose, just one win at the end of the streak will see you back into positives. This can go on indefinitely as long as you have the bankroll to back up your play. It would also take an extremely unlucky losing streak for you to not come up with a win (but this can happen, so watch out).
American Roulette Strategy
- You stand to win large sums of money, even after a losing streak. The longer the losing streak, the bigger the win.
- Gives the player more control over their bet.
- As long as you’re sensible about your units, you can really improve your chances of a profit.
Roulette Double Dozen Strategy Definition
- If the losing streak holds out for longer than your bankroll then you might see no wins whatsoever.
- Slightly harder to understand than most other strategies.