Nitc Slot Time Table
NITC offers personnel certifications, including Medical Gas, Journey Level and Master Level, assorted City, County, and State government requirements.
Meaning, Anne has missed 2 sessions of a total of 10. Anne will, therefore, attend the remaining 8 sessions of Tai chi, but in addition, will participate in an additional 2 sessions of another program of her choosing during a different time slot and/or location to make up the total of 10 sessions. Institute Slot Academic calendar: Monsoon Semester 2020-21 for UG/PG programmes other than first year Academic calendar for First semester PG programme- Monsoon Semester 2020-21.
Whether you are a training director, association representative, employer representative, or an individual applicant, NITC can help you find the right certification and testing program for your trade.
Time Table Winter Semester 2017-18 Lab/Seminar/Project Slots Sl.No Faculty Code Name of Faculty 1. AMC Anu Mary Chacko 2. GG Gopakumar G 3. JJ Jimmy Jose 4. JPB Jayaraj P B 5. KAN K Abdul Nazeer 6. MK Muralikrishnan K 8. PC Priya Chandran 9. PNP P N Pournami 10. PVK Paleri Vineeth Kumar 11. SDMK S D Madhukumar 12. Time Table Winter Semester 2017-18 Lab/Seminar/Project Slots Sl.No Faculty Code Name of Faculty 1. AMC Anu Mary Chacko 2. GG Gopakumar G 3. JJ Jimmy Jose 4. JPB Jayaraj P B 5. KAN K Abdul Nazeer 6. MK Muralikrishnan K 8. PC Priya Chandran 9. PNP P N Pournami 10. NS Lab & SS LAB PVK Paleri Vineeth Kumar 11.
If you are a training director coordinator, association representative, or employer representative and would like to order a certification examination for a group, please select the certification you want, and you will find candidate bulletins, a group examination request/roster form, and individual applications. In addition to the request/roster form that you must complete, each individual applicant must complete and sign an application.
Nitc Slot Time Table Calculator
If you are an individual applicant wishing to take a certification examination at a PSI center, please (1) select the certification you want, (2) print out and complete the application form, and then (3) email to address on application or fax (213)351-7632 (4) Contact NITC to provide payment. PSI will contact you via email to schedule your appointment.
Please contact our office if you need assistance.
Nitc Slot Time Tables
Below you will find a comprehensive list of the Certifications Provided by NITC. Click on the titles to be directed to the full list for that category.